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A Luna Lum Films LLC  production
Emotion in Motion
the film

About Us

"We aren't looking for what we expect." 

Our festival started in 2021 as an online festival only for 4 days. In 2024 we also evolved to a live event. Our 2024 live event was a test run of the logistics and location and was not widely publicized and only promoted organically 30 days before event for this reason. The "Test Run" live event we performed, helped us to realize the certainty that we have perfected all logistics and secured our location so that we may screen our selected films in the most regal way possible for ALL future events at the Wagnalls Memorial Auditorium. We encourage you to be a part of our festival and submit your film today. 


We are a unique, free spirited festival. Our purpose is to display good, solid and creative filmmaking. When judging what makes the festival there's a combination of things we look for. We look for creativity, uniqueness and overall quality of the film work. We aren't looking for what we expect. We are looking for the unexpected. We are here to lift and encourage filmmakers to live the dream and create the story they wish to tell in THEIR creative way! -Leisa Coffman, Founder/Director and Filmmaker. 

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